Whether you are near or far, having a student in University provides unique challenges. Below we have provided resources for parents and family members that make being supportive from afar as easy as possible.

  • Parent Handbook
    All the information you need as a Franklin parent, including contact details for our offices, is in the FUS Parents Handbook (PDF).
  • Campus Safety
    Providing students with a safe environment in which to live and learn, while keeping the FUS community well informed about campus security are priorities for our school.
  • Useful Numbers
    In the rare case of an emergency if you need to get into contact with your student or a staff member at the University, please refer to these important useful numbers.
  • Important Dates
    Whether you are planning a visit or booking your student’s trip home, please consult the academic calendar prior to making plans.
  • FERPA Policy
    FERPA is the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, a U.S. federal law designed to protect the privacy of a student's education records. Franklin University complies with FERPA. 
    Learn more about FERPA
  • Shared Access for Parents
    Shared Access is a feature of Franklin's online student records system that allows students to provide parents or guardians with online access to their student account information. 
    Learn more about Shared Access.