Study Abroad

These institutional partners have agreements with Franklin to allow students of these colleges and universities to spend a semester or a year abroad in Switzerland, taking advantage of the academic programs, international environment and travel opportunities available at Franklin. Interested students should contact the study abroad coordinators at their respective institutions.

Summer Programs

These colleges and universities offer periodic or annual summer programs at Franklin on special topics or to obtain summer credit abroad.  Students of these institutions should contact their advisors to learn the details of their institution’s program with Franklin.

Undergraduate and Graduate Programs

The institutions below are involved in specific collaborative educational programs with Franklin University Switzerland, providing students with the opportunity to complete their studies while benefitting from the unique aspects of each institution’s curriculum and resources.

Collaborative Research Agreements

These organizations provide Franklin faculty and students with opportunities to collaborate with other scholars on research and projects in various specific areas of study.

Executive Education

These centers of continuing education provide our Master’s and Executive Education students with learning opportunities on specific topics, working directly with people and organizations at the center of important topics such as climate change and big data.