Tone Athletic Center
Start date
End date
All day event

Join us for volleyball practices and games.

Our volleyball games are "pick-up", spontaneous games open to students of all skill levels. Depending on the number of participants each night, we form two or more teams who will compete to be named champion of the evening. This activity is open to all skill levels. All participants are required to comply with the instructions of the TAC Monitor on duty and to maintain respectful behavior to ensure fun for everyone!

All participants must comply with the instructions of the TAC Monitor on duty and to maintain a respectful attitude to ensure fun for everyone. The most skilled players will have the chance to represent Franklin in friendly matches and tournaments with local volleyball teams and other universities/colleges. For more information, please contact Aniello De Lucia (adelucia@fus.edu) or Sonya Strauss (strauss766@student.fus.edu). 

Information about other sport-related opportunities on campus can be found in our sport information packet.