Associate Professor, Modern Languages and Literatures 

Ph.D. The University of Chicago
M.A. The University of Chicago
B.A. Connecticut College

Office: Kaletsch Campus, Office 6
Phone: +41 91 986 53 17

Professor Ferrari earned his doctoral degree in 2006 with a dissertation titled, Italian  Myths and  Counter-Myths of  America:  Allegorical  Representations of  America in 20th-Century Italian Literature and Film. He has taught undergraduate courses in language and culture at The University of Chicago, DePaul University, Columbia College, L’Università del Sacro Cuore, and L’Università degli Studi di Milano. Research interests include the study of narrative constructs of nation and nationalism, film, gender, entre-deux-guerres European international relations, and 20th-century Italian and French poetry and prose.


Research interests:

His research focuses on international cultural relations, identity politics, performance, contemporary visual arts, poetry, film, gender studies.



"Americana: The American(ized) Woman as Represented by Five Italian Directors since 1945.” Pagina Pellicola Pratica. Ed. Rebecca West. Ravenna: Angelo Longo Editore, 2000.

In progress:

Myths and Counter-Myths of America in Italian Literature and Film (working title, single-authored book).

Virginio Ferrari: A Critical Anthology, 1957-2007 (working title, co-edited book). 

Awards and Honors:

I.R.E. Research Grant, Ministero degli Affari Esteri (Italy), for research on Italian-American cultural relations.