Logo Plan B Summer School

Learn the main business, regulatory and technological implications of blockchain and Bitcoin from world-class experts in an intensive two-week program.

What you will learn

Learn about Bitcoin, Lightning Network, stablecoins and Consensus Mechanism fundamentals from world-class speakers and lecturers.

Learn the key concepts behind smart contracts and solidity through real use cases and applications.

Gain familiarity with AML and compliance procedures, learn how to monitor blockchain transactions and improve your cybersecurity knowledge.

Comprehend the fundamentals of DeFi, Tokenization, DAOs and NFTs.

Pitch competition and award

Students will work individually and in groups on real-life challenges presented by the tutors throughout the course. At the end of the two-week program, the groups will participate in a pitch competition to present the outcome of their work. The best three teams will compete for a prize totaling USDT 9’000 (1st USDT 5’000, 2nd USDT 2’500, 3rd USDT 1’500). A jury comprised of blockchain experts, professors and company representatives will assess and award the teams.



when  When

3 – 16 July 2022

where  Where

Franklin University Switzerland, Lugano

lang  Course Language


workload  Workload

Approx. 60-70 hours 
for the two weeks

cohort  Cohort

50 students

certificate  Certification

Earn a Certificate upon completion

prize  Pitch competition

Total price of 9’000 USDT



Learn the main business, regulatory and technological implications of blockchain and cryptocurrency from world-class experts.

Adam Back
Adam Back

CEO at Blockstream

Paolo Ardoino
Paolo Ardoino

CTO at Tether and Bitfinex

Oleg Mikhalsky
Oleg Mikhalsky

Partner Fulgur Ventures

Jakov Dolic
Jakov Dolic

Founder at Enigma 21

Antoni Martin
Antoni Martin

Co-founder, Polygon ID & Polygon Hermez

Slobodan Lukovic
Slobodan Lukovic

Senior Research Associate IDSIA, Co-founder Ethernal.tech

Nikita Masyukov
Nikita Masyukov

PhD, Founder of Alber Blanc

Zulfi Moledina
Zulfi Moledina

Training Specialist at Chainalysis

Fernando Pedone
Fernando Pedone

Full Professor at USI and Director of the Computer Systems Institute

Giles Dixon
Giles Dixon

Head of Licensing at Bitfinex

Edoardo Beretta
Edoardo Beretta

Professor at USI

Jordi Baylina
Jordi Baylina

Co-founder, Polygon ID & Polygon Hermez

Riccardo Masutti
Riccardo Masutti

Cybersecurity and Privacy researcher at Bitfinex

David Suleiman
David Suleiman

Assistant Professor of Finance at Franklin University Switzerland

Entry requirements


Strong interest into blockchain / crypto / DLT technologies and related topics


Currently studying or having just completed your course of studies / Talents looking for a new career path in the crypto sphere


Fluency in English / No specific coding skills are required

Scholarship and application

With the Plan ₿ Summer School being part of Lugano’s Plan ₿ initiative, scholarships are provided for each student with the objective of boosting blockchain education in the area.


The full student rate is 6,000 CHF, with the Plan ₿ scholarship the student rate has been lowered to 900 CHF. The tuition fee includes lessons, coffee breaks, lunches and dinners as per the agenda. Accommodation not included.

  •  Includes an 85% discount, scholarship offered by Plan ₿
  •  Two-week intensive course at Franklin University Switzerland
  •  Includes meals and activities as per the agenda presented
  •  Accommodation on campus not included (limited availability) +300 CHF

The notifications of admission will occur within 7 to 10 days from the application submission. A member of the Plan ₿ team will reach out to you. Students are required to bring their own working laptops to follow the lectures and contribute to group work.


Studying in Lugano

Lugano, the largest town in the holiday region of Ticino, is not only Switzerland’s third most important financial centre and a conference, banking and business centre, but also a town of parks and flowers, villas and sacred buildings. With Mediterranean flair, Lugano offers all the advantages of a world-class city, combined with the cachet of a small town.


Logo Città di Lugano

Logo Tether

Logo FUS


In collaboration with

Logo USI

Logo Blockstream

Logo FV

Logo Polygon

Logo Bitfinex

Logo Chainalysis